Our Vision

Very often we hear or read about some ‘miracle cure’ or ‘wonder fruit’ that promises to cure cancer or diabetes and whatnot. Many people fall for such scientifically baseless claims without knowing their genuineness. We are currently living in a world of fake news where science is often ignored. Science denial is in trend these days. The reason behind this scenario is that science is not communicated to people with non-scientific backgrounds. The awesome pieces of research get published in scientific journals which are too technical to be understood by a non-expert in the field. This makes a gap between science and communities; a gap that is often filled by fake news and misconceptions. Being scientifically aware is more important than ever in today’s world. Our mission is to reach out to the public and foster appreciation for science in the non-scientific community by creating widespread scientific awareness. We aim to keep the language of the communication very simple without using any jargon so that it can be easily understood.

Our Team

Arohi Srivastava


Founder, Science Communicator

Arohi’s love for science bagged her a Ph.D. in Microbiology from the School of Life and Medical Sciences, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK. Her passion to communicate science has led her to initiate Sciency Soup. Ever since her grad school days, Arohi has always been enthusiastic about talking science to people. She has worked at various life science labs in India and abroad. Apart from having laboratory experiences, Arohi has more than 5 years of experience working as a lecturer teaching practical skills in Biosciences to undergrad and postgrad students. She has experimented with different learning styles and has developed several kinaesthetic tools for learning. She loves reading about fascinating scientific research and breakthroughs and never misses an opportunity to talk about them to the people she cares about- her friends and family, most of whom are ‘technically’ non-scientists. She believes, “engaging people with science is a step towards solving many of the global issues.” She writes under the pen name ScienceBuddy Arohi.

Ankit Srivastava


Advisor, Science Communicator

Ankit works as a Scientist in a leading Indian biopharmaceutical company. He holds a Master’s degree in Biotechnology and has more than 14 years of experience in the biotech industry in India and abroad. Communicating science to a broad audience is one of his hobbies and this hobby is gradually growing into his passion. Ankit believes that scientific awareness is an essential ingredient of a well-informed, well-aware and progressive society. He considers science communication to be important and extremely challenging at the same time. Ankit has taken up this challenge which, he thinks, is the first step towards his social responsibility. He writes under the pen name ScienceBuddy Ankit.